Avengers opens today! See it with us on Friday night!

Joss Whedon’s second turn at directing a theatrical release hits Australian cinemas today. Avengers hits screens nation-wide today, and Browncoats will surely be rushing to get their tickets!

While you’re enjoying the show, keep an eye out for some Whedonverse actors that Joss has managed to sneak in. Alexis Denisof (Buffy, Angel, Dollhouse) as “The Other, Enver Gjokaj (Dollhouse) as a “Young Cop” and Jeremy Renner (Angel) as “Hawkeye”. And of course there’s Thor himself, Chris Hemsworth, who stars in The Cabin in the Woods!

If you’re interested in joining the New Melbourne Browncoats to see the Avengers assemble, we’re planning for Friday’s 6:30pm session at Hoyts Melbourne Central (more details here).

And once you’ve seen it, come and chat about it on our Forum.
