It’s Time for our Battle of the States Browncoat Trivia!

Which Australian state has the keenest knowledge of Firefly facts? Add your skills to your state’s brain trust! The state with the highest overall score will get bragging rights over everyone else, as will the highest scorers in each state! You can use whatever resources you can scrounge up… watch the episodes and special features, listen to the commentaries, read the Visual Companion books, and scour the internet.

To enter, choose a state to represent, fill in the “Your Information” section and test your brain!

There are 3 Quiz parts – make sure you complete all 3!
> Part 1: Good Guys, Bad Guys and Everyone in Between
> Part 2: Places, Ships and Vessels
> Part 3: Behind the Scenes and Beyond the ‘Verse

Submit your answers by 11:00PM (ADST) on 8 April 2018!