SFX interviews Serenity Architectural Cutaways artist John R Mullany:
You may not recognise John R Mullaney by name, but it’s likely that you’ll recognise his Serenity Architectural Cutaways poster set, available to purchase on QMx. No Browncoat should be without this poster set – each one is a true tribute to the beloved Joss Whedon franchise.
The highly talented John Mullaney is one of the UK’s leading architectural technical illustrators, and lucky for us geeks, has a love for science fiction. Before the release of the Serenity cutaways, John was an illustrator for the Star Wars Incredible Cross Section series for Lucasbooks and has also had work published with Dorling Kindersley for their Doctor Who Visual Dictionary and Batmobile Owners Manual. And if you were at Atlanta’s DragonCon in 2006 you might have seen him showcasing his amazing cross-section artwork of the Dropship from James Cameron’s Aliens. He also later that year painstakingly produced the Terminator Endoskeleton. The limited edition collectable prints for purchase on his site will make any sci-fi fan drool; it’s obvious that John has a passion for producing awe-inspiring illustrations.
The interview also contains some wonderful images and videos of the Serenity cutaways.
Read more: Interview with Serenity Cutaways Artist John R Mullaney