Continuum (Melbourne)

Continuum is an annual Melbourne speculative fiction and pop culture convention celebrating creativity across genre and media. It’s entirely not-for-profit and run by fans, and is a great way to get to meet other like-minded folks! The Continuum Foundation (ConFound) oversees and takes care of some of the administrative work for the Continuum Conventions. Continuum Foundation Inc. is a not for profit association incorporated under the Victorian Associations Act, 1994. ConFound oversees the Chronos Awards, the Ian Gunn Memorial Award, and the annual Continuum conventions. The Foundation also hosts a wiki to help distribute information about Victorian sf fandom and running conventions. While ConFound’s main stated goal is to help with the running of the Continuum Conventions, its other main goals are to help foster and create a strong fannish community within Victoria and Australia, and to ‘be useful’ to the wider fan community.

Melbourne Browncoats represented at the Continuum “Future Tense” sci-fi convention for the first time on 26-28 February 2010, and we had a great time! Hoards of Browncoats came out of the woodwork, and it was lots of fun meeting all the shiny folks. Kaylee put it best when she said “I like to meet new people, they’ve all got stories”. Highlights from the convention included panels on Dollhouse, being an Evil Genius, new media, John Hughes, piracy, dating the undead and excellent presentations by special guest Mark Pesce. We’ve been back again for Continuum 7 “Changing Consciousness” (2011) and Continuum 8 “Craftonomicon” (2012). Our charity booth had a range of Browncoat t-shirts and other goodies for sale.

Browncoat Booth at Continuum in 2010