It’s that time of the year again. Time sure has flown… much faster than a 03-K64-Firefly runnin’ from the law. Yep, it’s time for our Annual General Meeting! This year we’ll be following it with a Firefly Games Shindig, complete with prizes and a mini Browncoat Booth. We welcome all current, past and non-members for what is sure to be a fun afternoon! Games we’ll have on hand include Firefly Fluxx, Cluedo, Yahtzee (with the Serenity dice shaker) as well as a few special ‘verse themed challenges.
When: Saturday 17 August from 3pm. The Firefly Games Shindig will conclude at 6pm.
Where: Kathleen Syme Library & Community Centre, Multipurpose Room 1 (251 Faraday Street, Carlton VIC 3053). The venue is accessible via a ramp and steps, and toilets are located on both floor levels. Location Information & Transport:
This is a free event, and tea/coffee and afternoon snacks will be provided.
The AGM covers the usual business of reporting on past activities, Committee elections, approval of past AGM minutes and Annual Financial Statements, planning for the year ahead and so on. This year, it also includes a Special Resolution. The full agenda will be released shortly, but we’re giving you the official 21 days notice of the following Special Resolution, which will be voted up on at the meeting.
Special Resolution: To consider and, if thought fit, pass the following resolution: “That the New Melbourne Browncoats Inc. create an allocated fund to support the Browncoat Booth. This allocated fund is for the express purpose of subsidising associated costs incurred by the Browncoat Booth.”
Members – The future of the New Melbourne Browncoats relies on the input of its members, so we are looking forward to seeing many faces at the AGM. For those who cannot attend, information regarding proxy voting is below. Quorum for the AGM is 10% of the members entitled to vote (either attending in person or assigning a proxy). We’d love to have more than the quorum though to ensure our membership’s wishes are reflected in group decisions and plans, so please come along and make your voice heard. We would love to know you’re coming, so please RSVP to
You’re invited to join the NMB Crew!
We’re organised entirely by volunteers and we’re looking for like minded supporters to join us in achieving our goals. We’re always seeking volunteers in the following areas:
– Social event organisers and crew
– Fundraising event organisers and crew
– Convention booth crew
– Social Media crew
– Committee members
Any questions can be directed to our Secretary at
If you are a current financial member and would like to join the Committee of Management, we’d love you to nominate for a position. Committee Nomination Forms can be sent to the Secretary by email ( or post (New Melbourne Browncoats, PO Box 18, Rosanna VIC 3084), to be received by 11.00pm on Friday 16 August, or deliver in person to the Chair prior to the start of the meeting. You can also nominate in person verbally immediately prior to the election (where you will need a second to approve the nomination). Position descriptions for each Committee role are in our Frequently Asked Questions.
Download the Nomination form
If you are a current financial member and are unable to attend in person to vote, we encourage you to assign a proxy (another member) to vote on your behalf (if you’re not sure who to grant your proxy to you’re welcome to assign it to the President or Secretary). The Proxy Assignment Form can be sent to the Secretary by email ( or post (New Melbourne Browncoats, PO Box 18, Rosanna VIC 3084), by 11.00pm on Friday 16 August. Proxy forms received after this deadline cannot be actioned, unless submitted in person by the person you’ve assigned as proxy (a hard copy of the original signed form is required in this instance).
Download Proxy Assignment form