We would like to invite you to rejoin us in 2019! We have launched a special opportunity open only to past members, where you can rejoin at our Renewal rate of just $11 until 28 February 2019.
Members like you are vital to the continued success of our non-profit club. Membership dues help support the child we sponsor through The Smith Family, as well as the costs of your annual dog tag, end-of-year member gift and associated postage. They also help cover our administrative costs (like lodging financial statements, insurance, bank fees, etc).
We are proud to share that with your support, our club has donated over $77,000 to charity to date! With your continued support we hope to add significantly to this figure in 2019 as we fundraise for FareShare, Fitted for Work, Women’s Information & Referral Exchange (WIRE) and Mothers Supporting Families in Need (MSFIN).
If you’d like to join us once more as a New Melbourne Browncoats Member, just send us message or email membership@newmelbournebrowncoats.com, and we will get you sorted. Once you are rejoined and paid up, your exclusive 2019 Members dog tag will be sent to you. If you need a new base set – NMB logo dog tag and chain – these can be provided for an extra $5.
Thank you for your support in the past and hopefully in the future, and we look forward to seeing you either in person or online in 2019!