A Big Damn CSTS Ticket for Joss Whedon

Did you know that Joss Whedon will be in Melbourne soon? He’s appearing as the keynote speaker at the Melbourne Writers Festival on 27 August… the day before our CSTS event!

So here’s the thing. We would love to have Joss to come to our shindig. And we know that you want Joss to come and join us.

We’ve sent him an invitation, but in case he doesn’t know just how much you all want him to come, it’s time for you to let him know.

Add your voice in the comments and tell Joss how much you want him to come to CSTS Melbourne 2010. If you have a direct line to Joss, please tell him how much we want him to come. If you don’t, then jump on Twitter, Facebook etc and spread the word to those who can pass on the invitation.

We’ve even made Joss a special Big Damn Ticket so he can get in on the day.

You can use this link – http://bit.ly/cGfq4k – to spread the signal. We’ve got 3 weeks, so let’s make this happen, Browncoats!

And while you’re at it, make sure you get your tickets too!

Potential allies to our cause:
Jed Whedon (twitter/facebook)
Zack Whedon (twitter/facebook)
Mo Tancharoen (twitter/facebook)
Nathan Fillion (twitter)
Felicia Day (twitter/facebook)
Jane Espensen (twitter)
Miracle Laurie (twitter)
Neil Patrick Harris (twitter)
Eliza Dushku (twitter)
Adam Baldwin (twitter)
Dichen Lachman (twitter)
Anthony Stewart Head (twitter)
Tim Minear (facebook)
Mark Sheppard (facebook/twitter)
David Fury (facebook)
Lisa Lassek (facebook)
Marti Noxon (facebook

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