There’s just 6 more days until Supanova Melbourne begins and you get the chance to meet Adam Baldwin! We’re counting down the days with little treats and this is a special one for our members. We’ll be bringing our NMB Outfitters (aka the Browncoat Booth) to Supanova, and we’ll have […]
Dr Horrible’s Sing-along blog
A Charity Event for Browncoats and Joss Whedon fans Each year New Melbourne Browncoats host Can’t Stop The Serenity to raise money for Equality Now. Over the years Browncoats in Melbourne have raised over $25,000 for this worthy cause, with each year getting bigger and better. Come along, bring a friend, bring someone who has never […]
Thanks to the crafty folk contributing to, you can make your very own Dr Horrible goggles… You will need the following: – Lab Goggles – 2 Round-Potrusion-Things – eg. a couple of round containers or the bottoms of two mini yogurt containers. Just cut them down to size and […]
With just under a month until Christmas, there’s just enough time to get crafty with these great gift ideas! Serenity iPod Case Can you believe that’s made out of polymer clay? Wow! It was created by craftster Kimmermonroe. “It’s meant to look like it came off the ship. The outside […]
We’re wrapping up Can’t Stop the Serenity 2010 with some very special Joss-y fun and Felicia Day’s hit web-series, The Guild, about a group of online gamers. Cyd Serman (Felicia Day) is an online gamer, who goes by the name Codex. Her own therapist has dumped her, telling her she […]