The last of the collectibles up for grabs in our Can’t Stop The Serenity online auctions for Equality Now are now live on eBay! “Spike” Door poster signed by James Marsters Measuring a massive 53x158cm this is nearly life size! Done The Impossible Poster Signed by Adam Baldwin Measuring 50cm […]
Here’s the fifth of our Can’t Stop The Serenity charity auctions! This item is offered for auction as part of New Melbourne Browncoats’ activities as part of our fundraising efforts for Can’t Stop The Serenity, with all profits from our online auctions going to our total donation to Equality Now. […]
Armageddon Expo is back, and is bringing the Whedonverse to you! Join Juliet Landau, Miracle Laurie, Georges Jeanty and Jason Palmer at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre on 16-17 October. Juliet Landau is best known for portraying Drusilla on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and spin off show Angel (the latter appearance […]
Today’s the day, Browncoats! Calling all fans of Joss Whedon, Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Serenity, Dollhouse, Dr Horrible’s Sing-along blog, Nathan Fillion, Adam Baldwin, Jewel Staite, Alan Tudyk, Morena Baccarin, Ron Glass, Sean Maher, Gina Torres, Neil Patrick Harris, Felicia Day, geeks, nerds and everyone in between! See Joss Whedon’s “Serenity” […]
This just in from the Melbourne Writers Festival e-bulletin! MWF are giving away two tickets to the sold out Joss Whedon keynote address tonight! The Melbourne Writers Festival have two double passes to giveaway to tonight’s, otherwise sold out, second Keynote Address An Evening with Joss Whedon: From Buffy to […]